Sea Turtle Rescue

With an average of 90% hatching success and 1% survival rate up to maturity we strive to save as many turtles as we can.


Sea turtle facts: Although it is illegal in Bali, poaching turtles is still common. Other dangers to the turtles are boat propellers, fishing nets, starvation, light pollution, waste pollution and its loss of nesting beaches.

Sanctuary facts: The Sea Turtle Conservation and Education Center in Serangan, Bali focuses on sea turtle rehabilitation, health, public education as well as safe places for the government to house turtles while they are being held as evidence during black market trials and investigations.

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What we do: We help fund the many ongoing projects that the center is working on. These include: medication for sick turtles, surgery costs, tank construction, sponsoring baby turtles, veterinarian bills, turtle food, water, upkeep, etc.

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