Water filter distribution

Everyone deserves to have safe drinking water


Filter Facts.

  • Lightweight, easily portable 0.1 absolute micron hollow fiber Membrane inline water filter.

  • Highest level of filtration on market — removes greater than 99.99999% of all bacteria and 99.9999% of all protozoa (also filters 100% of microplastics).

  • Comes with faucet adapter that provides high-volume clean, potable water from household and outdoor faucets.

  • Built-in and removable push/pull cap; spray water straight into mouth or bottle from included pouch; attach to standard threaded water bottles.

  • Backed by manufacturer's lifetime warranty

  • It can filter up to 540 gallons of clean water per day from any fresh water source.

  • Depending on the set-up, these filters cost anywhere between $16-$100 USD

    • Customarily we purchase the $55/ filters because they are the most universal and have shown to be used the most by the villages.

  • We bring different hook-ups to cater to the needs of the different homes in the villages.

Water Knowledge

  • 844 million people – 1 in 9 – lack access to safe water

  • Water can contain harmful viruses and bacteria which can cause diseases like Cholera, Hepatitis A, Dysentery, polio, etc,

  • Most waterborne diseases are caused by the presence of bacteria and virus in water

What we do and who we serve.

We have partners on the ground that go out and find the villages in need.

We want to make sure we aren’t just giving out supplies to homes that won’t use them, we want to make sure that each filter being used to its full capacity.

Once we receive a request from a village we set up a meeting with the Banjar, the leaders, to demonstrate how to use the filter. The Banjar will then approve or reject the filter.

If he approves we let him know how many filters we have and he will work with his village to determine which families will receive the filters and when.

Then, with our volunteers, we meet the Banjar and his village.

We do a demonstration and provide an informational breakdown on the importance of clean water, how the filter works, how to set it up and how to take care of it.

Once we leave, we have our partners on the ground check in with the villages periodically to see if anyone has questions, concerns, needs new parts, and inventory of who is continuing to use the filters.

To date, paired with Tern Travel and Loving Orphans Global we have been able to reach over 150 families!
